DriveSafeRideSafe is Here to Help

Welcome, family and friends of the HomeSchool Community;

We want you to know that regardless of the age you learn to drive, any new driver needs to learn more than just the facts and laws. You need to learn how to defend against the other guy. You need to know how to think, observe & react as a defensive driver.

All of the New Driver Training Modules below are based on this pragmatic philosophy and Mike Pehl’s unique perspective as a veteran crash investigator.

Click any graphic below to learn more about how these online modules can help the New Driver in your family survive, thrive & succeed on the road.

SPECIAL OFFER FOR HOMESCHOOL FAMILIES: Purchase the complete set of our 6 New Driver Training online modules and save an extra 10% when you use coupon code:   oldschoolhouse

5 Surefire Ways To Prevent Your Teen From Crashing

Driving Expert Mike Pehl Reveals His Proven Safety Techniques

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