Three out of four drivers on the road are busy multi-tasking while driving, and that’s not really surprising when you think about today’s environment. Everything is moving at a crazy pace and we’re just doing our best to keep up.

However, below are a few weird habits we found in an article written by EnviroCar and we felt the need to share them with you.


We don’t just mean eating a piece of toast in the car when you’re in a hurry to get to work. We’ve heard of people eating full bowls of cereal or entire pies (just two of many weird examples) while driving. With a bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other, what’s steering the car? Your knee, and that’s not good!


Was it Oscar Wilde who said you can never be overdressed or overeducated? We’re all for catching up on school readings or expanding your literary repertoire, but maybe you should leave it to a time when you’re not depending on 4,000LBS of metal to protect you from the oncoming traffic, should you lose control of your vehicle. If you really need to read and the only time to do it is during your morning commute, why not take public transportation or try an audio book!

Beauty Routines

Hollywood often portrays women as the distracted drivers – painting their nails, putting on lipstick.. shaving their legs? Apparently shaving is a common driving habit for both men and women in a hurry to get somewhere. We just have two questions for people who shave while driving: how exactly do you clean the razor, and more importantly, do you really want to take the chance of getting in an accident while you’re running a sharp blade across your skin?

While the above habits are weird, we want to add TEXTING and driving to the list because it’s become the NEW Drunk Driver.

We know folks hate to be lectured, but here’s a couple of statistics that might make you think twice about using your phone when driving.

1. A study found that in 80% of collisions, the driver had looked away from the road 3 seconds prior to the crash.
2. When teens text while they drive, they veer off lane 10% of their total drive time.
3. Every day, 11 teenagers die because they were texting while driving.

We suggest you put down your cereal bowl, your reading materials, your mascara and ESPECIALLY your phone before you drive.

To get some helpful ideas on how to put down your phone and drive check out our Distracted Driving Video HERE!

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