Take The Quiz

Calculate the odds of being in a collision with DriveSafeRideSafe’s CRASH RISK QUIZ

Answer 18 simple questions. For every answer of NO, give yourself 1 point.
  1. Is your teen well-rested most days of the week?
  2. During driving practice does your teen consistently follow the speed limit?
  3. Does your teen either ignore their cell phone while driving or designate another person to manage their device?
  4. Does your teen driver know how to avoid hitting another car between the wheels and why this move is important?
  5. Would you classify your teen as someone who is responsible and good at following rules?
  6. Does your teen driver understand the importance of making sure make sure that every passenger in their vehicle is buckled up?
  7. Does the driver believe that green means go?
  8. Is your teen understand that in certain situations why it would be better to make three right turns instead of a left turn?
  9. When your teen stops behind another car, do they know why they should always be able to see the back tires of the car in front of them?
  10. Can your teen explain at least two reasons why “To the right, to the right, to the right” is a defensive driving slogan?
  11. Does your teen understand how to read road maps?
  12. Has your teen driver driven a golf cart, four wheeler or farm machinery?
  13. Is your teen driver familiar with all of the equipment in the car they will be driving?
  14. Does your teen driver understand the value of stopping the car gradually so that there is no “bump” at the end of the stopping action?
  15.  When your teen practices changing lanes does the car “glide” or “slide” into position without the passengers feeling a turning action?
  16. Does your teen driver react calmly in emergency situations?
  17. When your teen stops at an intersection, do they understand why its important to continue to monitor activity behind them in their rear view mirror?
  18. Does your teen understand the importance of consistently leave at least 3 seconds of following distance between their vehicle and the car in front of them?

For every answer of YES, the driver earns 0 points.
For every answer of NO, the driver earns 1 point.

What does your score on our Crash Risk Quiz mean?

0 – 3 points. You are a well-educated defensive driver. If some of the terms in our quiz are unfamiliar, you can still learn a few new things from Mike Pehl’s unique Defensive Driving paradigm.

4 – 6 points. You are probably a good driver who got a TYPICAL driver training education, with most of the focus on basic laws and rules, and very little information about crash dynamics or defensive driving (either philosophy or tactics). It’s not too late to improve your knowledge and skills, by learning from Mike Pehl.

7 – 18 points. Are you “an accident waiting to happen?” Well, it’s impossible to predict exactly when any driver will be in a crash, but you should definitely tilt the odds in your favor by learning from Mike Pehl right now.

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