Here are your Bonus Classroom Audio Clips with Mike Pehl

Here are your Bonus Classroom Audio Clips with Mike Pehl.


Listen to Mailbox Golf  while studying Chapter 1.

Listen to Organ Donation – Up Close and Personal  while studying Chapter 2.


Listen to Organ Donation – Comments & Concerns  while studying Chapter 2.


Listen to All Alcohol is Not Created Equal  while studying Chapter 2.


Listen to AirbagStories  while studying Chapter 4.


Listen to Cautionary Tales & Crossing Tips from the Tracks  while studying Chapter 4.


Listen to U Turns by Railroad Tracks  while studying Chapter 4.


Listen to Good Habits for Changing Lanes  while studying Chapter 6.

Listen to Zipper Merge  while studying Chapter 7.


Listen to Seat Belt Cutters  while studying Chapter 7.

Listen to Airbag Strategies  while studying Chapter 8.

Listen to Rethinking the Right Turn at Red Light  while studying Chapter 8.


Listen to Crashproof Yourself  while studying Chapter 8.

Listen to Pre-Test Pointers  while studying Chapter 10.


We hope you enjoyed listening in to Mike in the classroom.

Good luck with your behind-the-wheel practice driving,
as you become a Smarter, Safer driver!

5 Surefire Ways To Prevent Your Teen From Crashing

Driving Expert Mike Pehl Reveals His Proven Safety Techniques

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