Teen Crash Statistics are SHOCKING.

Do you want to improve your teens odds for success behind the wheel?

Well, we would love to help!

Below are 6 questions to ask that will help you choose a great drivers ed program for your teen.


Parent Night presentations are very helpful for families with kids who are about to learn to drive. Instructors who are really serious about training novice drivers   know how important it is to get mom and dad “on board.” Your local branch of the National Safety Council may be sponsoring those events, too.


 Check on whether the curriculum includes any defensive driving information.

“77% of all crashes are preventable if you know what to do,” according to expert instructor and veteran crash investigator Mike Pehl. “Knowing what to do and how to do it BEFORE you are in a crash situation is truly the difference between life and death.”

The rise in distracted drivers, road rage and new car technologies makes this even more important than it’s been in the past. Today’s teens are navigating on roads and highways where many other drivers are impaired and distracted. This means that our youngest drivers need to be doing more than driving responsibly. They need to know how to protect themselves from the carelessness or mistakes of all the other drivers around them.


Understand the difference between the classroom instruction and behind-the-wheel training in the car.

The book-learning that happens before getting a learner’s permit is important, but nobody ever becomes a good driver sitting behind a desk!

If you’re considering a specific teen drivers ed program, ask who does the behind-the-wheel training and how they’re chosen. There should be a very good answer to that question.


Ask what happens if your teenager isn’t ready to be an independent driver after the standard number of behind the wheel sessions.

There may be laws requiring driver’s ed teachers to sign your teenager’s paperwork after the minimum amount of practice … but a good teacher will speak honestly to a student’s parents about whether their teen is going to be a hazard on the road if they “luck out” and pass the road test. Someone who really cares about the safety of their students will do that. That’s the kind of teacher you want for your son or daughter.

As Mike Pehl tells parents of his students: “I get them for six hours. You get them for life.”


Finally, educate yourself. Being the parent of a teen in drivers ed means you need to learn some new things now, too. As Veteran Crash Investigator, Mike Pehl says, “Knowing how to drive is not enough when it comes to teaching someone else!”

Today, there are good resources available for parents and teens that can help fill the gap found in many of the 30 hour courses that focus primarily on how to memorize the state’s rules and regulations that help you pass your driver test.

6. What can Veteran Crash Investigator MIke Pehl teach YOUR teen driver?

Your student needs to learn more than just facts, rules and basic maneuvers that help them pass their drivers test.

Your new driver needs practical knowledge and tactical skills to survive on today’s chaotic roads.

That is why we took the best of Mike Pehl’s training as a crash investigator and driver safety expert and created a driver ed course that is designed to fill the gap between a teen driver that can pass their driving test and a teen driver that is prepared for a lifetime of driving.

Veteran Crash Investigator, Mike Pehl, has successfully armed tens of thousands of teen drivers with his proven defensive driving techniques that teach new drivers how to predict and avoid a car crash. Let him help your teen too.


To learn more about Mike’s Driver Safety courses go to:

5 Surefire Ways To Prevent Your Teen From Crashing

Driving Expert Mike Pehl Reveals His Proven Safety Techniques

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